Jay Chamberlain
N1QLL ME096S Little River Isl. August 2009
Jerry, N1QLL, operating from Little River Island and ARLHS USA 442, mid-August 2009 using battery power to a Ten-Tec Scout at 40 watts assisted by a Ten-Tec Model 715 RF Speech Processor (see December 2009 QST).
W4PL Hatteras/Pea Isl. NC005S September 27 – October 4, 2008
Tennessee Valley DX Association (TVDXA)
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W3B St Clements Isl. MD028R
W3B St Clement’s Island, MD028R and Blackistone Light House Potomac River, St Mary’s County
Jim KA3UNQ and Dan KD3CQ October, 2007
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N1L – Number 1 Lighthouse Conanicut Isl. RI007S
N1L – Number 1 Lighthouse Conanicut Island, RI007S and Beavertail Lighthouse, RI’s oldest
Page WA3EOP & Al KZ3AB July 2007
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K3USI Gilligan’s VA042L & Hog Pen VA043L
K3USI Mid-Atlantic Island Crew Gilligan’s Island, VA042L Hog Pen Island, VA043L Kerr Reservoir
AE4MK operator, 21 April 2007