US Islands Awards Program

Request to Add an Island to the USI List of Islands.

Not all islands are on the USI Directory. We only add islands to the list when someone requests them to be added in preparation to Qualifying them. So, if you find that there is an island that you would like to Qualify for the U.S. Islands Awards Program (USI), and after you verify that it isn’t already on the USI Island Directory (here), you need to send us some information.

What information do we need?

We need as much of the following as you can provide:

  1. The Island Name,
  2. Is the island open to the public (Y/N),
  3. the Body of Water that it’s in,
  4. the State/Territory,
  5. the County/Parish,
  6. the Latitude and Longitude of the island. (NOTE: if you don’t know the Latitude and Longitude of the island, enter a zero in the form, and we’ll try and find it for you.),
  7. if you think your island has an IOTA Group number, please see the NOTE below,
  8. and, use the Additional Information field to gives us a little information about the island’s location; i.e. “North of Juliette, GA off of Rt. 87”, or “in the Superior National Forest,  22 miles ENE of Ely, MN”

Now, once you have the information gathered together, you’ll need to send it to us, and you can do that in the following form.  (If you have problems with the form, please let us know.)

(All fields on the form are required, except for the IOTA and Additional Information fields.)

Request to Add an Island Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Is the island open to the public?
State/Territory where the island is located
County or Parish. Not Country.
The body of water (lake, river, or shore area) where the island is located
Preferred format: dd.ddddd Please no special characters.
Preferred format: -ddd.ddddd Please no special characters.
See the special IOTA information below.


The USI Awards Program is not affiliated in any way with the Islands On The Air (IOTA) award. But, we do support them and will list the IOTA Group number in our Directory IF you supply it.

If your island is inland it will NOT have an IOTA Group number.

If you think that the island you would like to add has an IOTA Group number, please verify it with the IOTA website. If you know the IOTA Group number you can do a Google search using the format of “IOTA NA-XXX” (without the quotes) and replace the XXX with the three digit Group Number. In the returned search list, look for “Islands on the Air – Group information for NA-XXX”, this will contain a list of the islands within that IOTA Group.

Page Last Updated on Jul 25, 2024 @ 12:48 utc by ADMIN