Jay Chamberlain
FL543 Qualification – KK6TGM
Living in a densely populated neighborhood of Los Angeles presents quite a few problems when attempting to operate an amateur radio station, mainly the lack of space to string up any kind of antenna, and S9+++ noise which is always present, no matter the time of day. These conditions have guided the choices I made when building a modest 100 W station, the main criteria being portable for field work, and to escape the noise and have an opportunity to put up an working antenna. Continue reading
VE3LDT Vintage USI Awards
I will apologize right up front to Dave, VE3LDT for calling these amazing USI awards “Vintage”. These are award plaques from the start of the US Islands program thru the late 90s. I took over as awards chairman and co-webmaster in 2006. USI was pretty slow about then as the website hadn’t been updated in quite a while. I can’t recall who I got the Honor Roll number plates from but when VE3LDT mentioned his name wasn’t on the website for the 1500+ Honor Roll, I just had to ask him for a photo of his awards. (NS4Jay)
North Fulton A.R.L. Exceeds Their 40th Anniversary Goal
NFARL (NF4GA) set out in early 2017 to celebrate their 40th club anniversary with a very unique USI adventure. Their goal, as a club was to operate from a minimum of 40 U.S. Islands. 10 menbers, Scott Straw KB4KBS, Jeff Otterson N1KDO, Jim Paine N4SEC, Terry Joyner W4YBV, Grant Register KK4PCR, Daryl Young K4RGK, Lori Young K4UPI, Bob Hensey K4VBM, John Norris N4IHV, and Bill Cobb K4YJJ joined forces to exceed their goal and operated from 46 USI with a total of 902 QSOs for the year.
KD9FM Qualifies WI062 Green island
On July 5, 2017 I set out for my qualification of Green island WI062. A year ago I was successful in getting the island approved by USIsland Awards Program and received permission from the island owner “Roen Salvage Company”, Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin to conduct a ham radio operation from the island. I was not able however, to qualify the island that year.
W1SYE Elizabeth Islands, MA Activations
NFARL 40th Anniversary USI Contest
The North Fulton Amateur Radio League (NFARL) has devised a US Islands focused contest that will last throughout 2017, our 40th Anniversary Year!
NS4J’s USI Expeditions
This is a table of my USI Expeditions. Calls AE4MK, NS4J, K4I (Island QSO Party), W3I (IOTA contest) and K3USI (USI club call). The table also includes Parks on the Air (POTA) and Islands on the Air (IOTA) references.
Twelve Mile/Emery Isl. KY027R ~ A Club’s Winning Expedition
The idea to activate an island was borne in the regular club meetings (Amateur Radio Transmitting Society, ARTS), after discussing activating Shippingport (KY002R) near downtown Louisville, for about a year.
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Quarry Isl. OK028L ~ A CW Only Qualification by N5PHT
US Islands
The US Islands program (USI) is found at https://usislands.org/ and it is not associated with the IOTA program but rather for islands found within lakes, rivers and ocean shore of the United States. I also qualified one other USI, TX035L, Rattlesnake, many years ago and have activated TX003S, Goose island in the Gulf of Texas.
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Portable Operations ~ A Practical Overview
Christian Bravo ~ W4ALF 6 August 2016
Northern Kentucky Amateur Radio Club
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