K3USI Gilligan’s VA042L & Hog Pen VA043L
K3USI Mid-Atlantic Island Crew Gilligan’s Island, VA042L Hog Pen Island, VA043L Kerr Reservoir
AE4MK operator, 21 April 2007
USI: A Look Back and Ahead
by John Reisenauer Jr., KL7JR (former NL7TB)
It was the summer of 1994 when I really got hooked on island chasing, both IOTA and CISA. Why didn’t the US have an island program I asked. I was told the idea had been discussed but no action was ever taken. That would soon change. With my own ideas and advice from others, the United States Islands Awards Program (USI) came to be.
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Living, Working and DXing in the Caribbean
Featured in QST May 2002, by John Reisenauer Jr, KL7JR/VE8JR
Tropical DXing just wasn’t in my vocabulary until my job took me to St Croix in the US Virgin Islands.
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Shemya Story
Story and Photos by John Reisenauer Jr., KL7JR
From one of the most remote places in the United States, history and DX come alive.
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DXing with Polar Bears
Featured in QST May 2002, by John Reisenauer Jr, KL7JR/VE8JR
The author’s self-described “best trip to date” involved a rare island, a rare county, 10-10, contesting, Northern Lights and polar bears. For a dedicated Arctic ham-traveler, it doesn’t get any better than that.
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The Activation of Boyd Isl. TN025R ~ 27 April 2002
by Mike Gardner, WU4I
BOYD, oh BOYD, oh BOYD! How absolutely quiet! I mean, nothing stirring but some birds. I was looking at the boat ramp, and on over to Boyd island in the Holston river just east of Knoxville. Boyd island is a large plot of land, as far as east Tennessee goes, near the Forks of The Rivers, and the Holston, French Broad, and the Tennessee all meet there.
With only about one-hundred feet to traverse to the island, from the ramp, I decided to bring along the fast-becoming-famous “S.S.S. Minnowette”! I am sure some of you sea Captains are wondering what the heck “S.S.S.” is, so let me explain: “Surely Sinking Soon” Continue reading
Operation Deep Freeze — The Last Chapter
Featured in QST June 2000, by John Reisenauer Jr, KL7JR/VE8JR
In Canada’s Northwest Territories, the November Sweepstakes takes place in the dead of winter. But even if the weather is cold—the bands are hot, hot, hot!
The KL7AK Expedition to Mekoryuk, Alaska
Featured in QST November 1999, by John Reisenauer Jr, KL7JR/VE8JR
Part DXpedition, part cultural exchange, these ops discovered that making new Eskimo friends in Mekoryuk – a remote village off Alaska’s west coast – was simply unforgettable.
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KL7USI Special Event Operations
by John Reisenauer Jr., KL7JR (former NL7TB)
When the fish aren’t biting, hoist up the antenna and catch some DX, if you’re not too awestruck by the breathtaking scenery, that is!
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