Abbey | WA018 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | Us 101 To Ruby Beach - 1/2 Mile N.W. Of Ruby Beach |
Alexander | WA021 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | S.W Of Quillayute Needles N.W.R. |
Allen | WA032 |  | Burrows Bay | Skagit | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | S. Of Washington Park - 1 Mile From Shore, S. Of Burrows Isl |
Anderson | WA013S |  | Puget Sound | Pierce | | AB7PS/P | N.E. Of Olympia -In Puget Sound US Rt. 5 To Bandar Woods |
Bainbridge | WA028S |  | Puget Sound | Kitsap | | NL7TB/P | W. Of Seattle - City Of Winalow Is On It |
Bakers | WA201 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | 400 meters SE of Island 21
Ballinger / Edmount / Goose | WA188 |  | Lake Ballinger | Snohomish | | -Not yet qualified | Near Edmonds, WA |
Bankers Spit | WA202 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | Between Bankers Island & mainland |
Bateman | WA066R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Between Kennewick & Pasco - Rte 240 At Richland Junction |
Big Bush | WA126R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 100 ft W of S end of bridge to Crow Butte Isl (WA064R) |
Big Coulee | WA110R |  | Lind Coulee River | Grant | | NL7TB/P | 1.6 miles E of river mouth at N end of Potholes Resv's Osullivan Dam, 0.6 miles W of Rd M-SE bridge |
Big Rock | WA119L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | Lake 10 miles SE of Othello; isl 0.4 miles NNW of campground, most E of the three Rock Isl's, near W shore |
Big Rock | WA219 |  | Park Lake | Grant | | -Not yet qualified | |
Blackbird | WA224R |  | Wenatchee River | Chelan | | KA7GPP | |
Blake | WA037S |  | Puget Sound | Kitsap | NA065 | K7NZ/WB7CQE/P | Between Bremerton & Seattle - N.E. Of Harper |
Blakely | WA038S |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan | NA065 | K7LRK >OPs K7LRK & AE7EL | N.W. Of Washington Park - N. Of Decator Isl. |
Blalock Island #1 | WA136R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | aka Big Blalock Isl; 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp at river mile 275 |
Blalock Island #2 | WA137R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp; 100 ft N of Blalock #1 |
Blalock Island #3 | WA138R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | aka Little Blalock Isl; 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp; 600 yds W of Blalock #1 |
Blalock Island #4 | WA139R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp; 50 yds W of Blalock #3 |
Blind | WA217S |  | Salish Sea/ N. Puget Sound | San Juan | | KI7TT | |
Boat Dock | WA109L |  | Potholes Resrvr | Grant | | NL7TB/P | DELETED - READ MOREIsl no longer exists, covered by dogleg peninsula constructed about 1995 |
Bodelteh | WA031 |  | Pacific Ocean | Clallam | | -Not yet qualified | W. Of Ozette - N.W. Of Cape Alva |
Brown | WA058 |  | Friday Harbor | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | N.E. Of Friday Harbor - About 1/2 Mile From Friday Harbor |
Burrows | WA030 |  | Burrows Bay | Skagit | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | S. Of Washington Park - 1/4 Mile From Shore |
Bush | WA125R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 200 yds E of middle of bridge to Crow Butte Isl (WA064R) |
Camano | WA003S |  | Saratoga Pass | Island | | NL7TB/P | W. Of Stanwood - Rte 532 To The Island |
Campbell | WA154L |  | Lake Campbell | Skagit | | AA7AV/P | Lake 13 miles W of Burlingtin on Hwy 20; island in center of lake.
Special NoteCampbell Island (WA154L) is in Campbell Lake and Campbell Lake is located on Fidalgo Island (WA002S). Therefore if you work(ed) Campbell Island (WA154L) you also receive credit for Fidalgo Island (WA002S).
Carroll | WA026 |  | Pacific Ocean | Clallam | | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of La Puha - S.W. Of Starbuch Mine |
Cascades | WA083R |  | Columbia River | Skamania | | NL7TB/M | S.W. Of Stephenson - By The Bonneville Dam From Wash. Side |
Cemetery | WA211S |  | Salish Sea | San Juan | | K7NHE >OPs K7LRK & K7IOC | |
Center | WA033 |  | Lopez Sound | San Juan | | -Not yet qualified | Between Lopez Isl. & Decator Isl. |
Chief Timothy | WA160R |  | Snake River | Asotin | | NL7TB/P | At Silcott (6 miles W of Clarkston); bridge access |
Clark | WA220S | 
| Puget Sound | San Juan | | WE4DX >OPs KLOPC, KF7LLA & N3KPU | |
Clover | WA052R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Between Kennewick & Pasco - Use The Clover Isl. Draw Bridge |
Columbia Point Marina | WA151R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Isl shielding Columbia Point Marina (aka Richaland Yacht Club); 0.4 miles NW of I-182 bridge |
Cottonwood | WA057 |  | Columbia River | Cowlitz | | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of Kalama - W. Of Carolla |
Craft | WA230S |  | Skagit Bay | Skagit | | K7GYB | 1 mile SE of LaConner |
Crane | WA185S |  | San Juan Channel | San Juan | NA065 | W7UW | private island, by permission only |
Crow Butte Park | WA064R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | S.W. Of Pasco - On Rte 14 At Crow Butte State Park |
Cullen | WA226L |  | Whistle Lake | Island | | KK7NQW | |
Cutts | WA200S |  | Cutts Inlet of Puget Sound | Pierce | | KI7TT | Cutts Island State Park |
Cypress | WA184S |  | Bellingham Channel | Skagit | NA065 | KK7GE/W7HLO/M | Fidalgo/Anacortes/Guemes/Cypress is due west of Guemes Island |
Daroga Tent | WA152R |  | Columbia River | Douglas | | NL7TB/p | Daroga St Park tent camping isl; 6 miles N of Orendo |
Decatur | WA034 |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | E. Of Lopez Isl. - About 1 Mile From Lopez Isl. |
Deception | WA223S |  | Northwest Pass | Island | NA065 | K7MHI | |
Deer | WA203 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | W of Island 21 |
Destruction | WA005 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | NA169 | -Not yet qualified | S.W. Of Ruby Beach - About 3 Miles From The Mainland |
Doe | WA181S |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan | NA065 | W7HLO/KK7GE/P | Near Bellingham, in Rosario Strait, a marine state park |
Dredge | WA192 |  | Vancouver Lake | Clark | | -Not yet qualified | In Vancover WA near the Shilapoo Wildlife Recreation Area |
Driftwood Point | WA204 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | NW corner of Lake Tapps |
Duck | WA190 |  | Green Lake | King | | -Not yet qualified | |
Eagle | WA183S |  | Puget Sound | Pierce | | K7NZ / W7TEN/P | Near Steilacoom and Balch Passage, in Pierce County |
East Goose | WA070L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | Isl is 200 yds SW of boat ramp on end of peninsula 2 miles SW of dam; 70 yds S of N Goose Isl |
East Goose | WA171L |  | Potholes Reservoir | Grant | | KL7USI/P | E of Goose Isl (WA170L); connected to Goose Isl at low water |
East Woodtick | WA114R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | See WA112R info. Contact USI's QM before activating isls in this area to coordinate names/numbers |
East Yacht Club | WA105R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | First isl W (100 yds W) of Bateman Isl (WA066R) |
Ebey | WA163R |  | Snohomish River | Snohomish | | NL7TB/M | Ebey is near Everett and border of Snohomish River. |
Eden | WA225L |  | Cranberry Lake | Island | | K7MHI | Special NoteEden Island (WA225L) is in Cranberry Lake and Cranberry Lake is located on Fidalgo Island (WA002S). Therefore if you work(ed) Eden Island (WA225L) you also receive credit for Fidalgo Island (WA002S). |
Eliza | WA191S |  | Belingham Bay | Whatcom | NA065 | N7OC | SW of Bellingham, WA |
Elm Tree | WA115R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | See WA112R info. Contact USI's QM before activating isls in this area |
Ernie's | WA116R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | See WA112R info. Contact USI's QM before activating isls in this area to coordinate names/numbers |
Ferry Baker | WA227R |  | Snohomish River | Snohomish | | K7GYB | |
Fidalgo | WA002S |  | Padilla Bay | Skagit | | NL7TB/P | W. Of Mt Vernon - Rte 20 To The Island |
Fir | WA061S |  | Skagit Bay | Skagit | | AA7AV/P | S.W. Of Mt Vernon - W. Of Conway On Fir Island Rd. |
Fishing Hole | WA153R |  | Columbia River | Grant | | NL7TB/P | 5 miles NNW of Priest Rapids Dam in channel into E shore; isl on some USGS maps, not on recent aerial photos |
Flat Rock | WA155R |  | Columbia River | Grant | | NL7TB/P | 4 miles NNW of Preist Rapids Dam; only isl at low water |
Florence | WA198R |  | Stillaguamish River, Hat Slough & Port Susan | Snohomish | | K7IOC/P >OPs K7IOC & K7AMF | SE of Stanwood WA |
Fox | WA015S |  | Carr Inlet | Pierce | | NL7TB/P | W. Of Tacoma - N.W. Of Sunset Beach |
Gedney / Hat | WA189 |  | Puget Sound | Snohomish | | -Not yet qualified | NW of Everett |
Giants Graveyard | WA023 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | S. Of La Puha - Near Quillayute Needles N.W.R. |
Gilligans | WA077L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | In S Fork bay, 0.3 miles NW of South Fork boat ramp; 50 yds W of Johns Isl |
Goat | WA221S |  | Skagit Bay | Island | | K7MHI | |
Goose | WA170L |  | Potholes Reservoir | Grant | | KL7USI/P | 1.5 miles NE of resort at SE corner of dam, 0.7 miles off of dam |
Gossip | WA212S |  | Salish Sea | San Juan | | K7LRK >OPs K7NHE & K7IOC | |
Grass Island #1 | WA122L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | 200 yds N of dam at most N point of lake, near W shore; isl on aerial photos, not on 1986 USGS map |
Grass Island #2 | WA123L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | 0.5 miles WNW of campground, near E shore |
Grass Island #3 | WA124L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | 0.5 miles as bird flys SW of boat ramp |
Guemes | WA053S |  | Rosario Strait | Skagit | NA065 | AA7RW/P | N. Of Anacortes - About 1 Mile |
Harbor | WA166S |  | Puget Sound | King | | NL7TB/M | In Elliott Bay near Seattle, King County. |
Harper | WA067L |  | Sprague Lake | Adams | | NL7TB/P | Largest Isl. In The Lake, Plus 2 Small Ones By The Freeway |
Harstine | WA012S |  | Case Inlet | Mason | | NL7TB/P | S. Of Bremerton & Due W. Of Tacoma |
Hart | WA174R |  | Skagit River | Skagit | | KL7KG/M | In the Skagit River in the town of Sedro Wolley |
Henry | WA045 |  | Roche Harbor | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of Friday Harbor - W. Of Roche Harbor |
Home | WA179S |  | Puget Sound | Mason | | K7NZ / W7TEN/P | READ MOREIsl in Pickering Passage in Puget Sound; 12 miles N of Olympia; aka Island Home; bridge access; private, access requires permission |
Hope | WA042S |  | Skagit Bay | Skagit | | AA7AV/P | READ MORESW of Fredonia between Lone Tree Point & Ben Ure Spit. Note: 2009 Google Maps have names of this isl & Skagit Isl (WA079S) reversed. |
Hope | WA178S |  | Puget Sound | Mason | NA065 | W7TEN/K7NZ/P | Squaxin Passage; Puget Sound; E. of Shelton and Hwy #3 |
Huckleberry | WA080S |  | Padilla Bay | Skagit | NA065 | AA7AV/P | N.E. Of Anacortes - E. Of Guemes Island About 1/2 Mile |
Ika | WA229 |  | Skagit Bay | Skagit | | -Not yet qualified | 1/2 mile South of LaConner |
Indian | WA039S |  | Admiralty Inlet | Jefferson | | NL7TB/P | E. Of Hadlock On Rte 116 |
Inlet | WA176L |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | KL7KG/M | In Lake Tapps; in Pierce County, near Sumner |
Interlake 1 | WA205 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | 100 meters NW of Inlet Island |
Interlake 2 | WA206 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | Between Interlake 1 & mainland |
Interstate | WA084R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 0.75 miles S of center of I-182 bridge; SW of river mile 335.5 |
Island #1 | WA168L |  | Potholes Reservoir | Grant | | KL7USI/P | 400 ft N of Sate Park boat ramp on E side of lake |
Island #2 | WA169L |  | Potholes Reservoir | Grant | | KL7USI/P | 200 yds NE of Goose Isl (WA170L) |
Island 21 | WA207 |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | connected to Driftwood Point I. |
Ives | WA193 |  | Columbia River | Skamania | | -Not yet qualified | About 35 miles east of Vancouver, Washington. Just east of Beacon Rock State Park |
Jagged | WA025 |  | Pacific Ocean | Clallam | | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of La Puha - S.W. Of Starbuch Mine |
James | WA024 |  | Pacific Ocean | Clallam | | -Not yet qualified | W. Of La Puha - 1/4 Mile From Shore |
James | WA182S |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan N | NA065 | N7KE/P | A State Park in Friday Harbor, near Mt. VernoN West of Hwy.I-5 |
Jetty | WA215S |  | Possession Sound | Snohomish | | KA7GPP | West of Everett |
Johns | WA071L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | In S Fork bay, 0.3 miles NW of South Fork boat ramp; 50 yds E of Gilligans Isl |
Johns | WA209S |  | Puget Sound | San Juan | NA065 | K7LRK >OPs K7NHE & K7IOC | |
Jones | WA029S |  | San Juan Channel | San Juan | NA065 | KI7TT | N. Of Friday Harbor - W. Of Deer Harbor |
Kamloops | WA156R |  | Columbia River | Stevens | | NL7TB/P | Kamloops in the Columbia River, in Ferry County. |
Ketron | WA187S |  | Puget Sound | Pierce | | N0AX | near Steilacoom, WA |
Kiket | WA213S |  | Similk Bay | Island | | KA7GPP | west of Snee-oosh |
Lady | WA054R |  | Columbia River | Clark | | AD4LX/P6 | Crown Park - S. On Rte 500 - W. On Rte 14 Goes On The Island |
Lenore | WA214 |  | Lenore Lake | Grant | | -Not yet qualified | |
Leque | WA195S |  | Port Susan & Skagit Bays | Snohomish | | K7IOC | just west of Stanwood, WA and the Stillaguamish River |
Lions | WA158R |  | Columbia River | Ferry | | NL7TB/P | Lions Columbia River Ferry Cty. |
Little | WA082R |  | Columbia River | Wahkiakum | | NL7TB/P | S of Cathlemet on Rte 409; lies along N side of Puget Isl |
Little Coulee | WA111R |  | Lind Coulee River | Grant | | NL7TB/P | NOTE: Reported joined to Big Coulee Isl at low water & separate isl at high water |
Little Rock | WA120L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | 0.4 miles NNW of cmpgrnd, S of Long & W of Big Rock Isl's |
Long | WA008 |  | Middle Channel | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | S. Of Lopez Isl - S.W. Of Richardson About 1 Mile |
Long | WA088S |  | Willapa Bay | Pacific | | W7PE | Public access allowed to this island in Willapa National Wildlife Refuge |
Long John | WA162R |  | Snake River | Asotin | | NL7TB/P | At silcott; 150 yds E of Chief Timothy Isl (WA160R) |
Long Rock | WA121L |  | Scooteney Resrvr | Franklin | | NL7TB/P | 0.4 miles NNW of campground, most S of the three Rock Isl's |
Lopez | WA035S |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan | NA065 | NL7TB/P | W. Of Anacortes - Accessible By Ferry |
Lummi | WA050S |  | Hale Passage | Whatcom | NA065 | KL7KG/7 | |
Marcus | WA157R |  | Columbia River | Stevens | | NL7TB/P | Marcus in the Columbia River Ferry Cty. |
Marina | WA087R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | No longer exists; historic location 1.2 miles NW of I-184 bridge; 0.6 miles NW of WA151R |
Marrowstone | WA059S |  | Admiralty Inlet | Jefferson | | NL7TB/P | E. Of Hadlock - At The End Of Rte 116 |
Marsh | WA118L |  | Moses Lake | Grant | | NL7TB/M | SW of City Of Moses Lake - US-90 crosses isl |
Marsh # 1 | WA089R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 2 | WA090R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 3 | WA091R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 4 | WA092R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 5 | WA093R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 6 | WA094R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 7 | WA095R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 8 | WA096R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh # 9 | WA097R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #10 | WA098R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #11 | WA099R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #12 | WA100R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #13 | WA101R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #14 | WA102R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Marsh #15 | WA103R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Special NoteMarsh Isls were at the mouth of Yakima River (W of Batemen (WA066R and Mudhole Isls WA108R). Some Marsh isls no longer exist and number and location of isls change over time. Contact USIA QM before reactivating. |
Matia | WA173S |  | Strait of Georgia | San Juan | NA065 | N7FL / N7KGA/P | N.E. Of Eastsound, Between Sucia Island & Lummi Island |
Maury | WA016S |  | Puget Sound | King | NA065 | N7FL / N7KGA/P | S.E. Of Vashon Isl - Via the City Of Portage In Puget Sound |
Mc Neil | WA014 |  | Carr Inlet | Pierce | | -Not yet qualified | N. Of Anderson Isl - About 1/2 Mile |
McMicken | WA177S |  | Puget Sound | Mason | | K7NZ/W7TEN/P | Case Inlet, Puget Sound; E. of Hwy #3, near Hartstene Island |
Mercer | WA007L |  | Lake Washington | King | | NL7TB/P | E. Of Seattle & W. Of Bellevue - On Us 90 |
Milltown | WA165R |  | Skagit River | Skagit | | NL7TB/M | In the Skagit River S.W. fork near the city Mt. Vernon |
Mud Hole | WA108R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Small isl 50 yds W of W tip of Pot Hole #1 (WA106R) |
North Ebey | WA196R |  | Ebey Slough & Steamboat Slough | Snohomish | | K7IOC/7 | south of Marysville and north and west of North Spencer isl. |
North Goose | WA074L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | Isl is 200 yds S of boat ramp on end of peninsula 2 miles SW of dam; 70 yds N of E Goose Isl |
North Interstate | WA085R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 0.5 miles S of center of I-182 bridge; 0.3 miles SW of Columbia Point |
North Riverview | WA145R |  | Yakima River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | W of Pasco - At I-182 bridge over Yakima River |
North Rock | WA019 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | Us 101 To Ruby Beach - 3 Miles N.W. Of Ruby Beach |
North Spencer | WA197R |  | Union Slough & Steamboat Slough | Snohomish | | K7IOC/7 | north and west of Smith Island (WA164S), adjacent to Everett WA |
Orcas | WA049S |  | Rosario Strait | San Juan | NA065 | NL7TB/P | W. Of Anacortes - Accessible By Ferry |
Our | WA228L |  | Lost Lake | Island | | W6RKE | Special Note1The island is private, but a community member must escort visitors to the island.
Special Note2Our Island (WA228 ) is in Lost Lake and Lost Lake is located on Camano Island (WA003S). Therefore if you work(ed) Our Island (WA228 ) you also receive credit for Camano Island (WA003S). |
Pass | WA062S |  | Deception Pass | Skagit | | AA7AV/P | S.E. Of Rosario Beach - In The Canoe Pass |
Paterson Island #1 | WA142R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 4 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp, 200 yds from N river bank; 2006 Google aerial shows the 4 Paterson Isl's |
Paterson Island #2 | WA143R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp, 50 yds from N river bank |
Paterson Island #3 | WA144R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 1.9 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp, 50 yds from N river bank |
Paterson Island #4 | WA150R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 1 mile SW of Paterson E boat ramp, 120 yds from N river bank |
Patos | WA047S |  | Boundary Pass | San Juan | NA065 | W7/VE7KRC | N.E. Of Friday Harbor - W. Of Sucia Isl. |
Pearl | WA055 |  | Roche Harbor | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of Friday Harbor - N.W. Of Roche Harbor |
Pierce | WA194 |  | Columbia River | Skamania | | -Not yet qualified | About 35 miles east of Vancouver, Washington. Just east of Beacon Rock State Park |
Plymouth Park | WA063R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | S. Of Pasco - On Rte 14 And Us 82 |
Portage | WA051 |  | Hale Passage | Whatcom | | -Not yet qualified | S.W. Of Bellingham - About 6 Miles - Near Lummi Isl. |
Posey | WA216S |  | Strait of Georgia | San Juan | | KB7GL | |
Pot Hole Island #1 | WA106R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Third isl W of Bateman Isl (WA066R); S of Pot Hole #2 (WA107R) |
Pot Hole Island #2 | WA107R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 50 ft NW of Pot Hole #1 (WA106R) |
Protection | WA041 |  | Admiralty Inlet | Jefferson | NA065 | | Special NoteProtection Island is a National Wildlife Refuge.
This Refuge is closed to the public: To prevent disturbance to extremely sensitive seabirds and marine mammals, Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge is closed to all public access and the surrounding waters within 200 yards are closed to all watercraft. |
Puget | WA072R |  | Columbia River | Wahkiakum | | NL7TB/P | S. Of Cathlamet - On Rte 409 |
Pussywillow | WA117R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | See WA112R info. Contact USI's QM before activating isls in this area |
Raft | WA017S |  | Carr Inlet | Pierce | | N7QHX/P | N.W. Of Tacoma - Rte 16 W. To Rosedale - S.W. To Raft Isl. |
Railroad Bridge #1 | WA147R |  | Yakima River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | W of Pasco, E of Rte 240 & S. of I-182 |
Railroad Bridge #2 | WA148R |  | Yakima River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | W of Pasco, E of Rte 240 & S. of I-182 |
Reed | WA056R |  | Columbia River | Clark | | KJ7WLL | S. Of Washougal - Near Cottonwood Point |
Resort | WA186L |  | Park Lake | Grant | | NM5RC/P | Isl is half way between resort and Big Rock Island |
Rock Island #1 | WA127R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | NW across channel from Crow Butte Isl (WA064R) boat ramp |
Rock Island #2 | WA128R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 200 ft from NW bank of river, 1 mile W of bridge to Crow Butte Isl (WA064R) |
Rock Island #3 | WA129R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 50 yds fron N bank of river, 3/4 mile W of bridge to Crow Butte Isl (WA064R); 100 yds W of Rock Isl #4 |
Rock Island #4 | WA130R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 50 yds fron N bank of river, 3/4 mile W of bridge to Crow Butte Isl (WA064R); 100 yds E of Rock Isl #3 |
Rounded | WA022 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | S. Of La Puha - Near Quillayute Needles N.W.R. |
Saddlebag | WA081S |  | Padilla Bay | Skagit | NA065 | AA7AV/P | N.E. Of Anacortes - E. Of Guemes Island About 1 Mile |
Samish | WA048S |  | Rosario Strait | Skagit | | K7PQS | W. Of Edison Station - W. Of Blue Heron Beach |
San Juan | WA004S |  | Haro Strait | San Juan | NA065 | NL7TB/P | W. Of Anacortes-Accessible By Ferry |
Sand Dune #1 | WA131R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | aka Sand Isl; 3.5 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp, at river mile 274; most E'ly of three sand isls; 2001 & 2006 aerial photos show isl connected to Sand Dune #2 |
Sand Dune #2 | WA132R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 3.5 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp, at river mile 274; 100 yds SW of Sand Dune Isl #1; 2002 & 2006 aerial photos show isl connected to Sand Dune #1, if connected activate as #1 |
Sand Dune #3 | WA133R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 3.5 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp at river mile 274; 200 yds W of Sand Dune Isl #1 |
Satellite | WA210S |  | Puget Sound | San Juan | NA065 | K7NHE >OPs K7LRK & K7IOC | |
Sea Lion Rock | WA027 |  | Pacific Ocean | Clallam | | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of La Puha - S.W. Of Starbuch Mine |
Shaw | WA040S |  | San Juan Channel | San Juan | NA065 | NL7TB/P | W. Of Anacortes - Accessible By Ferry |
Silcott | WA159R |  | Snake River | Asotin | | NL7TB/P | Silcott in the Snake River Asotin Cty |
Silvana | WA199R |  | Stillaguamish River, Cook Slough & South Slough | Snohomish | | K7IOC/P >OPs K7IOC & K7AMF | SE of Stanwood WA |
Silver Beach | WA078L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | Isl in W end of lake, 500 yds SW of Silver Beach Resort |
Sinclair | WA043 |  | Rosario Strait | Skagit | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | S.W. Of Bellingham - N.W. Of Guemes Isl. |
Skagit | WA079S |  | Skagit Bay | Skagit | | AB7QY/P | NE of Whidbey Isl between Hoypus Pt & Kiket Isl. Note 2009 Google Maps have names of this isl & Hope Isl (WA042S) reversed. |
Skull | WA218S |  | Puget Sound, Massacre Bay | San Juan | | KI7TT | |
Small | WA149R |  | Yakima River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | W of Pasco, E of Rte 240 & S. of I-182 |
Smith | WA164S |  | Possession Sound | Snohomish | | NL7TB/M | Just north of Everett touching the possession Sound. |
South Goose | WA073L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | 0.4 miles SE of Snug Harbor at Rimrock Landing |
South Interstate | WA086R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Historic isl 150 ft SE of Interstate Isl (WA084R); still shows on 1990 USGS map |
South Riverview | WA146R |  | Yakima River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | W of Pasco - At I-182 bridge over Yakima River |
South Rock | WA020 |  | Quillayute Needles | Jefferson | | -Not yet qualified | Us 101 To Ruby Beach - 1 Mile S.W. Of Ruby Beach |
Southwest Goose | WA076L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | 0.6 miles ESE of Snug Hargor at Rimrock Landing; 0.3 miles E of South Goose Isl (WA073L). |
Spencer | WA175R |  | Union Slough | Snohomish | | KL7KG/M | Off I-5, exit 195, between Marysville & Everett Washington |
Split Rock | WA010 |  | Pacific Ocean | Gray's Harbor | | -Not yet qualified | N.W. Of Tahola - About 4 Miles |
Squaxin | WA011 |  | Case Inlet | Mason | | -Not yet qualified | E. Of Shelton-Rte 3 To E. Pickering Rd To E. Hartstene Bridge |
Steamboat | WA068S |  | Squaxin Passage | Thurston | | NL7TB/P | E. Of Shelton - Us 101 To Steamboat Island Rd N.W. |
Straight Six #1 | WA134R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 4 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp; W of Sand Dune Islands; isl there and larger on 2001 & 2006 aerial photos than shown on USGS |
Straight Six #2 | WA135R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 4 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp; W of Straight 6 Isl #1; isl no longer there on 2001 & 2006 aerial photos |
Strawberry | WA222 |  | Deception Pass | Island | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | |
Stretch | WA069S |  | Case Inlet | Mason | | NL7TB/P | S. Of Bremerton - W. Of Vaughn |
Stuart | WA208S |  | Puget Sound | San Juan | NA-065 | K7LRK | 3 miles NNE of San Juan Island |
Sucia | WA046S |  | Strait Of Georgia | San Juan | NA065 | W1BWS/7 | N.E. Of Friday Harbor - N. Of Eastsound |
Tapps | WA167L |  | Lake Tapps | Pierce | | KL7KG/M | In Lake Tapps, In Pierce County, Washington State, near Sumner |
Tatoosh | WA006S |  | Strt Of Juan Defuc | Clallam | NA169 | N7UJN/P | N.W. Of Cape Flattery - About 1/2 Mile |
Telegraph Island #1 | WA140R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp: 400 yds NW Blalock #1 & 400 yds NE Blalock #3 |
Telegraph Island #2 | WA141R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | 2 miles SW of Paterson E boat ramp: 400 yds SW Blalock #1 & 400 yds SE Blalock #3; not on USGS, on aerial photos |
Tunnel | WA009 |  | Pacific Ocean | Gray's Harbor | | -Not yet qualified | S. Of Queets - About 4 Miles |
Vashon | WA060S |  | Puget Sound | King | NA065 | AE7O | S.W. Of Seattle - N.W. Of Tacoma |
Waadah | WA180S |  | Neah Bay | Clallam | NA169 | W7W/P | In N.W. Washington State Makah Tribal Nation; off Cape Flatery (NA169) |
Waldron | WA044 |  | President Channel | San Juan | NA065 | -Not yet qualified | N. Of Friday Harbor - W. Of Eastsound |
West Goose | WA075L |  | Rimrock Lake | Yakima | | NL7TB/P | Snug Harbor at Rimrock Landing boat dock runs from shore to isl; not shown on USGS, on TerraServer aerial photo |
West Goose | WA172L |  | Potholes Reservoir | Grant | | KL7USI/P | N (yes N) of Goose Isl (WA170L); connected to Goose Isl at low water |
West Woodtick | WA113R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | See WA112R info. Contact USI's QM before activating isls in this area |
Whidbey | WA001S |  | Admiralty Inlet | Island | NA065 | AA7AV | Oak Harbor Is On It |
Whitcomb | WA065R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | S.W. Of Pasco - On Rte 14 East Of Crow Butte Isl. |
Woodtick | WA112R |  | Frenchman Hills Wasteway | Grant | | NL7TB/P | |
Yacht Club | WA104R |  | Columbia River | Benton | | NL7TB/P | Second isl W of Bateman Isl (WA066R) |