US Islands Awards Program


Google Map   76 :Islands
  42 :Qualified
  34 :Not Qualified

Island Table last modified: Mar 21, 2025 at 1822 UTC
Clicking on column titles will sort the table.

AdventureWI020Green BayDoor -Not yet qualified
AndersonWI070Lake NamakagonBayfield-Not yet qualified
Appleton Locks #4WI055Fox RiverOutagamie -Not yet qualifiedOn the Fox River in Appleton WI
Asylum PointWI064LLake WinnebagoWinnebago W9I >OPsHome to Asylum Point Lighthouse.
BantaWI057Fox RiverOutagamie -Not yet qualifiedOn the Fox River in Appleton WI
BarkersWI031LLake SuperiorDouglas KF9YL/PNear the intersection of rts.2 and 53, Superior, WI, on Lake Superior
BarronWI059Mississippi RiverLa Crosse -Not yet qualifiedWithin City of La Crosse WI, north of (WI035R)
BearWI016Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
Big BananaWI028LCrystal LakeSawyer WB9EEE/P
Black BearWI029LChief LakeSawyer WB9EEE/P
Blue HeronWI041East Twin RiverManitowoc -Not yet qualifiedTwo Rivers, WI
BowersWI052Bowers LakeRock -Not yet qualifiedNE of Milton WI off of E. Bowers Lake Rd.
BrunetWI072RChippewa RiverChippewaKZ9VBrunet Island State Park
ChambersWI002LGreen BayDoor KD9FM/P
Chief NamakagonWI069Lake NamakagonBayfield-Not yet qualified
Clark MillsWI042Manitowoc RiverManitowoc -Not yet qualifiedClark Mills, WI
CoumbeWI049RWisconsin RiverGrant W9PVR >OPson County Hwy. 7 near Blue River, WI
CranberryWI065Cranberry LakeOneida & Vilas -Not yet qualifiedSE of Eagle River WI
DetroitWI003LLake MichiganDoor K3GGN/PSouth of Washington Island, accessible only by boat, private island: SEE RULE 6
DevilsWI015Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
DoorWI043LLake MichiganDoor KC9GBX >OPsthe northern half of the Door Penensula
DotyWI026LLake WinnebagoWinnebago KF9YL/MDoty Lake Winnebago Winnebago
ElmWI024RFox RiverOutagamie KF9YL/M 
FirstWI077Balsam Lake Polk-Not yet qualified
FrenchWI047LLake OnalaskaLa Crosse KC9ECI >OPsNorth of La Crosse,WI - I90 crosses it.
GoodspeedWI066Plum LakeVilas-Not yet qualifiedNNE of Sayner, WI
GooseWI034RMississippi RiverLa Crosse KB9TKG 
GreenWI062LGreen BayMarinette KD9FM5 miles off the shores from Marinette, WI
HermitWI011Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
High Bank WI075RWisconsin River IowaW6RI >OPs
HoboWI038Manitowoc RiverManitowoc -Not yet qualifiednear Henry Schuette Park, near Manitowoc, WI
HogWI005Lake MichiganDoor -Not yet qualifiedE.S.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with DNR permission
HogWI036Manitowoc RiverManitowoc -Not yet qualified 
HorseshoeWI060LGreen BayDoor KD9FM/Pabout 3/4 mile off the Pennisula State Park between Fish Creek and Ephraim, WI.
HurricaneWI061RMississippi RiverGrant AD4OSUpriver from Dubuque, IA
Island 205WI053RMississippi RiverGrant AD4OSPool 11, Upriver from WI054R
Island 207WI054RMississippi RiverGrant AD4OSPool 11, Between WI053 and WI056R
Island 91WI067Mississippi RiverLa Crosse-Not yet qualified
KaukaunaWI023RFox RiverOutagamie KF9YL/MKaukauna Fox River Outagamie
La PlumeWI035RMississippi RiverLa Crosse NM5RC/Pwithin city of La Crosse & is reached by bridge at the W. end of Jackson St
LighthouseWI073LLake WinnebagoFond du LacKC9YVL
LongWI009Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
Long (East)WI050RWisconsin RiverIowa W9PVR >OPseast of Spring Green, WI
Long (West)WI051RWisconsin RiverIowa W9PVR >OPson Rts. 130 & 133 south of Lone Rock, WI
MadelineWI006LLake SuperiorAshland N6JM/9Part of the Apostle Islands
ManitouWI012Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
MenashaWI044Lake Buttes des MortsWinnebago -Not yet qualifiedMenasha, WI
MichiganWI008Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
MillpondWI058Stoughton Millpond / Yahara RiverDane -Not yet qualifiedon S 4th Street in the city of Stoughton in Dane County
MonkeyWI063Lake WinnebagoWinnebago -Not yet qualifiedin North Park (Menominee Park), Oshkosh, Wisconsin
MuscodaWI076RWisconsin RiverIowaW6RI >OPs
OakWI010Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
OtterWI013Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
OuterWI004Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
PhantasyWI021LFisher LakeIron W9MVP/PPrivate island - See Rule 6. READ MORE
PicnicWI030LChief LakeSawyer WB9EEE/PPicnic Chief Lake Sawyer
PigeonWI068Mississippi RiverLa Crosse-Not yet qualified
PilotWI033LLake MichiganDoor K3GGN/PS.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with USCG permission
PlumWI032LLake MichiganDoor K3GGN/PS.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with USCG permission
Rahr / Pig FarmWI037Manitowoc RiverManitowoc -Not yet qualified 
RaspberryWI019LLake SuperiorBayfield N9XIMHome of the Raspberry Island Lighthouse. Part of the Apostle Islands
RockWI014LLake MichiganDoor K3GGN/PTake Karfi Ferry from Washington Island
RosebrookWI056RMississippi RiverGrant AD4OSPool 11, Downriver from WI054
SandWI018LLake SuperiorBayfield N9WRPart of the Apostle Islands
St. FerioleWI048RMississippi RiverCrawford W9W >OPsin the city of Prairie du Chien
Step-InWI039RWest Twin RiverManitowoc K9ZW & KA9WYKIn the Village of Shoto
StocktonWI007Lake SuperiorAshland -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands
StrobeWI045Lake Buttes des MortsWinnebago -Not yet qualifiedMenasha, WI
StumpfWI071Mississippi RiverGrant-Not yet qualified
The FlatsWI046RFox RiverOutagamie W9DK >OPsAppleton, WI
ThilmanyWI025RFox RiverOutagamie KF9YL/MThilmany, Fox River, Outagamie
TreasureWI027LPine LakeWaukesha KF9YL/MTreasure Pine Lake Waukesha
WashingtonWI001LLake MichiganDoor K3GGN/PTake ferry from North Point pier
West Lincoln ParkWI022RMilwaukee RiverMilwaukee KF9YL/MWest Lincoln Park Milwaukee River Milwaukee
White BirchWI074LTurtle Flambeau FlowageIronKD9QKL
YorkWI017Lake SuperiorBayfield -Not yet qualifiedPart of the Apostle Islands


Every effort has been made to make the data shown for the Islands listed as accurate as we can make it.
Report any errors to the Qualifications Manager.

Red marker = Qualified island. Yellow marker = UnQualified island

Page Last Updated on Oct 12, 2024 @ 17:29 utc by ADMIN