Adventure | WI020 |  | Green Bay | Door | | -Not yet qualified | |
Anderson | WI070 |  | Lake Namakagon | Bayfield | | -Not yet qualified | |
Appleton Locks #4 | WI055 |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | -Not yet qualified | On the Fox River in Appleton WI |
Asylum Point | WI064L |  | Lake Winnebago | Winnebago | | W9I >OPs AC9HP & KD8WHY | Home to Asylum Point Lighthouse. |
Banta | WI057 |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | -Not yet qualified | On the Fox River in Appleton WI |
Barkers | WI031L |  | Lake Superior | Douglas | | KF9YL/P | Near the intersection of rts.2 and 53, Superior, WI, on Lake Superior |
Barron | WI059 |  | Mississippi River | La Crosse | | -Not yet qualified | Within City of La Crosse WI, north of (WI035R) |
Bear | WI016 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Big Banana | WI028L |  | Crystal Lake | Sawyer | | WB9EEE/P | |
Black Bear | WI029L |  | Chief Lake | Sawyer | | WB9EEE/P | |
Blue Heron | WI041 |  | East Twin River | Manitowoc | | -Not yet qualified | Two Rivers, WI |
Bowers | WI052 |  | Bowers Lake | Rock | | -Not yet qualified | NE of Milton WI off of E. Bowers Lake Rd. |
Brunet | WI072R |  | Chippewa River | Chippewa | | KZ9V | Brunet Island State Park |
Chambers | WI002L |  | Green Bay | Door | | KD9FM/P | |
Chief Namakagon | WI069 |  | Lake Namakagon | Bayfield | | -Not yet qualified | |
Clark Mills | WI042 |  | Manitowoc River | Manitowoc | | -Not yet qualified | Clark Mills, WI |
Coumbe | WI049R |  | Wisconsin River | Grant | | W9PVR >OPs KA9USV, KC9CMD, W9MZ, W9JR, KC9WAN, KC9LBO, KC9UJM, & KC9JTL | on County Hwy. 7 near Blue River, WI |
Cranberry | WI065 |  | Cranberry Lake | Oneida & Vilas | | -Not yet qualified | SE of Eagle River WI |
Detroit | WI003L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | K3GGN/P | South of Washington Island, accessible only by boat, private island: SEE RULE 6 |
Devils | WI015 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Door | WI043L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | KC9GBX >OPs KC9GBX & KC9KMA | the northern half of the Door Penensula |
Doty | WI026L |  | Lake Winnebago | Winnebago | | KF9YL/M | Doty Lake Winnebago Winnebago |
Elm | WI024R |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | KF9YL/M | |
First | WI077 |  | Balsam Lake | Polk | | -Not yet qualified | |
French | WI047L |  | Lake Onalaska | La Crosse | | KC9ECI >OPs KC9ECI & W9UUM | North of La Crosse,WI - I90 crosses it. |
Goodspeed | WI066 |  | Plum Lake | Vilas | | -Not yet qualified | NNE of Sayner, WI |
Goose | WI034R |  | Mississippi River | La Crosse | | KB9TKG | |
Green | WI062L |  | Green Bay | Marinette | | KD9FM | 5 miles off the shores from Marinette, WI |
Hermit | WI011 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
High Bank | WI075R |  | Wisconsin River | Iowa | | W6RI >OPs W6RI & W9AV | |
Hobo | WI038 |  | Manitowoc River | Manitowoc | | -Not yet qualified | near Henry Schuette Park, near Manitowoc, WI |
Hog | WI005 |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | -Not yet qualified | E.S.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with DNR permission |
Hog | WI036 |  | Manitowoc River | Manitowoc | | -Not yet qualified | |
Horseshoe | WI060L |  | Green Bay | Door | | KD9FM/P | about 3/4 mile off the Pennisula State Park between Fish Creek and Ephraim, WI. |
Hurricane | WI061R |  | Mississippi River | Grant | | AD4OS | Upriver from Dubuque, IA |
Island 205 | WI053R |  | Mississippi River | Grant | | AD4OS | Pool 11, Upriver from WI054R |
Island 207 | WI054R |  | Mississippi River | Grant | | AD4OS | Pool 11, Between WI053 and WI056R |
Island 91 | WI067 |  | Mississippi River | La Crosse | | -Not yet qualified | |
Kaukauna | WI023R |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | KF9YL/M | Kaukauna Fox River Outagamie |
La Plume | WI035R |  | Mississippi River | La Crosse | | NM5RC/P | within city of La Crosse & is reached by bridge at the W. end of Jackson St |
Lighthouse | WI073L |  | Lake Winnebago | Fond du Lac | | KC9YVL | |
Long | WI009 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Long (East) | WI050R |  | Wisconsin River | Iowa | | W9PVR >OPs W9MZ, KC9UJM, KC9LBO, KC9WAN, KC9ZZY, KC9MRW, W9JR, KD9CGS, KC9PRV, & KC9WWH | east of Spring Green, WI |
Long (West) | WI051R |  | Wisconsin River | Iowa | | W9PVR >OPs WA9USV, W9MZ, W9JR, KC9QQQ, KC9WWH, KC9PRV, KC9LBO, & KC9UJM | on Rts. 130 & 133 south of Lone Rock, WI |
Madeline | WI006L |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | N6JM/9 | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Manitou | WI012 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Menasha | WI044 |  | Lake Buttes des Morts | Winnebago | | -Not yet qualified | Menasha, WI |
Michigan | WI008 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Millpond | WI058 |  | Stoughton Millpond / Yahara River | Dane | | -Not yet qualified | on S 4th Street in the city of Stoughton in Dane County |
Monkey | WI063 |  | Lake Winnebago | Winnebago | | -Not yet qualified | in North Park (Menominee Park), Oshkosh, Wisconsin |
Muscoda | WI076R |  | Wisconsin River | Iowa | | W6RI >OPs W6RI & W9AV | |
Oak | WI010 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Otter | WI013 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Outer | WI004 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Phantasy | WI021L |  | Fisher Lake | Iron | | W9MVP/P | Private island - See Rule 6. READ MOREAccess is W off of W Fisher Lake Road to island on E side of the Turtle River arm of lake.
Picnic | WI030L |  | Chief Lake | Sawyer | | WB9EEE/P | Picnic Chief Lake Sawyer |
Pigeon | WI068 |  | Mississippi River | La Crosse | | -Not yet qualified | |
Pilot | WI033L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | K3GGN/P | S.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with USCG permission |
Plum | WI032L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | K3GGN/P | S.E. of Washington Island, accessible only by boat with USCG permission |
Rahr / Pig Farm | WI037 |  | Manitowoc River | Manitowoc | | -Not yet qualified | |
Raspberry | WI019L |  | Lake Superior | Bayfield | | N9XIM | Home of the Raspberry Island Lighthouse. Part of the Apostle Islands |
Rock | WI014L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | K3GGN/P | Take Karfi Ferry from Washington Island |
Rosebrook | WI056R |  | Mississippi River | Grant | | AD4OS | Pool 11, Downriver from WI054 |
Sand | WI018L |  | Lake Superior | Bayfield | | N9WR | Part of the Apostle Islands |
St. Feriole | WI048R |  | Mississippi River | Crawford | | W9W >OPs KC9LBO, KC9KOP, KB9TPG, W9JR, W9MZ, KC9KOO, KC9UJM, KC9NHQ, KC9MRV, & KC9TBE | in the city of Prairie du Chien |
Step-In | WI039R |  | West Twin River | Manitowoc | | K9ZW & KA9WYK | In the Village of Shoto |
Stockton | WI007 |  | Lake Superior | Ashland | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |
Strobe | WI045 |  | Lake Buttes des Morts | Winnebago | | -Not yet qualified | Menasha, WI |
Stumpf | WI071 |  | Mississippi River | Grant | | -Not yet qualified | |
The Flats | WI046R |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | W9DK >OPs K9ZW, KC9LOA, KC9KVT, & KB9KXF | Appleton, WI |
Thilmany | WI025R |  | Fox River | Outagamie | | KF9YL/M | Thilmany, Fox River, Outagamie |
Treasure | WI027L |  | Pine Lake | Waukesha | | KF9YL/M | Treasure Pine Lake Waukesha |
Washington | WI001L |  | Lake Michigan | Door | | K3GGN/P | Take ferry from North Point pier |
West Lincoln Park | WI022R |  | Milwaukee River | Milwaukee | | KF9YL/M | West Lincoln Park Milwaukee River Milwaukee |
White Birch | WI074L |  | Turtle Flambeau Flowage | Iron | | KD9QKL | |
York | WI017 |  | Lake Superior | Bayfield | | -Not yet qualified | Part of the Apostle Islands |