Arrowhead | TX039L |  | Lake Meredith | Hutchinson | | NM5RC/P | 2.5 miles WSW of dam |
Atkinson | TX048S |  | Galveston Bay | Chambers | | KN5G | in Galveston Bay |
Ayer | TX034L |  | Lake Conroe | Montgomery | | K5OJ | NW of Conroe |
Ayres | TX104 |  | Ayres Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Ayres Dugout | TX105 |  | Ayres Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Bartell | TX074S |  | Aransas Bay | Aransas | | W2MN | Goose Island State Park TX. |
Bay Harbor | TX014S |  | Redfish Bay | Nueces | | KB5IQJ/P | E. Of Aransas Pass 1st Island From The Mainland On Rte 361 |
Bayucos | TX064 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Beaver | TX032L |  | Lyndon B.J.Lake | Burnet | | KB5IQJ/M | Nearest town Granite Shoals TX. County Burnet in L.B.J. Lake |
Bells | TX073 |  | Wright Patman Lake | Cass | | -Not yet qualified | Located off of Rt. 59 |
Benbow | TX029L |  | Lake Mcqueeny | Guadalupe | | AE4MK | SAME LOC. AS TX018L; Cross 2nd bridge off Treasure Isl. to Benbow Island |
Blackberry | TX065 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Bolivar Peninsula | TX063S |  | Galveston Bay | Galveston & Harris | | W5C >OPs KB5YLG, KE5SCG & KE5NCS | DELETED - READ MORERollover Pass which used to connect the Gulf with the ICW has been filled in.
Campbell | TX059R |  | Brazos River | Parker | | W5PC >OPs KB5YLG, WR5AW, KE5SCG, KE5QBZ, KE5NCS, N5ONE, AD5VJ & KF5FEI | |
Cane Harbor | TX051 |  | Intercoastal Waterway | Nueces | | -Not yet qualified | |
Cedar Isle | TX052L |  | Cedar Creek Lake | Henderson | | K5QY >OPs K5QY, N5KM, KE5FXE | |
Cedar Mills | TX045L |  | Lake Texoma | Grayson | | NM5RC/P | On E side of Big Mineral Arm across bay from Cedar Mills |
Chester | TX082 |  | Matagorda Bay | Calhoun | | | -Not yet qualified |
Deer | TX043L |  | MacKenzie | Brisco | | NM5RC/P | 0.4 miles W of dam; 250 yds NW of Goat Isl (TX044L); see map note for TX044L |
Deer | TX057L |  | Somerville Lake | Washington | | W5BCS >OPs K5GKM, K5JWL, WB5CKO, K5VY | Near Summerville |
Dewberry | TX066 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Dunham/Bludworth | TX106 |  | Dunham Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Evans | TX027L |  | Richland Chambers | Navarro | | K5NZ/W5BAK/P | On north end of Richland Chambers Lake |
Everett #1 | TX095 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Everett #2 | TX096 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Everett #3 | TX097 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Farwell | TX067 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
First Chain of Islands #1 | TX083 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In Espiritu Santo Bay |
First Chain of Islands #2 | TX084 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In Espiritu Santo Bay |
First Chain of Islands #3 | TX085 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In Espiritu Santo Bay |
First Chain of Islands #4 | TX086 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In Espiritu Santo Bay |
Follets | TX019S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Brazoria | | K2OLG/M | S.W. Of Galveston Isl. - On Cr 257 |
Galveston | TX001S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Galveston | NA143 | AB5EB | Gulf Of Mexico Galveston |
Goat | TX044L |  | MacKenzie | Brisco | | NM5RC/P | 0.3 miles W of dam; USGS map does not show increased dam height/water level |
Goat | TX060L |  | Lake Worth | Tarrant | | WC5C >OPs KB5YLG, KE5SCG, K5NCS, AD5VJ, and son Stephen | Northwest of Fort Worth |
Goat | TX062L |  | Caddo Lake | Marion | | WC5C >OPs KB5YLG, KE5SCG, WE5BB, KE5NCS, KF5ECU, KD5UEP, & KF5DYC | N.W. of Shreveport LA in the Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area |
Goose | TX003S |  | Aransas Bay | Aransas | | KB5IQJ/P | S.E. Of Lamar - On Rte 35 To St. Park Rd 13 To Palmetto Rd |
Grass | TX107 |  | Dunham Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Grass East #!
| TX068 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Grass East #2
| TX087 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Grass West | TX069 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Greer | TX058L |  | Lake Worth | Tarrant | | W5G >OPs KB5YLG, KE5HRD, KD5UEP, KC5SLQ, KE5PUN, KE5PUM, KE5TQM, & KE5SCG | NW of Ft. Worth |
Harbor | TX004S |  | Red Fish Bay | Nueces | NA092 | KB5IQJ/P | E. Of Aransas Pass 4th Island From The Mainland On Rte 361 |
High | TX020S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Chambers | | AD5A/M | Gulf Of Mexico |
Holiday Pine | TX023L |  | Holiday Pine Lake | Wood | | W5USM/P | In Holiday Pine Lake |
Isla Colon | TX053 |  | Intracoastal Waterway | Nueces | | -Not yet qualified | |
Isle Of View | TX028L |  | Lake Mcqueeny | Guadalupe | | KB5IQJ/M | S.E. side of Lake McQueeny |
Key Allegro | TX017S |  | Aransas Bay | Aransas | | KB5IQJ/P | S.E. Of Fulton-Rte35 To Traylor To Fulton Beach To Bay Shore |
Langley | TX078 |  | Lake Tyler | Smith | | -Not yet qualified | Located just off shore from Hill Creek Park in Whitehouse TX |
Leroy Elmore | TX077L |  | Leroy Elmore Lake | Lubbock | | K9DWG >OPs K9DWG, K5BEK & KB5JNK | Located in Lubbock |
Little Arrowhead | TX040L |  | Lake Meredith | Hutchinson | | NM5RC/P | 250 yards NW of Arrowhead Island (TX039L) |
Lone Tree Point | TX054 |  | Copano Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Long | TX009S |  | Laguna Madre | Cameron | | KB5IQJ/M | N26 04-W097 12 |
Long | TX070 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Mailboat #1 | TX098 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Mailboat #2 | TX099 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Mailboat #3 | TX100 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Mailboat #4 | TX101 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Mailboat #5 | TX102 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Mailboat #6 | TX103 | 
| Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in Espiritu Santo Bay |
Matagorda | TX010S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Calhoun | NA092 | AB5EA | Gulf Of Mexico Calhoun |
Mesquite | TX030L |  | CorpusChristi StPk | San Patricio | | KB5IQJ/M | Corpus Christi Lake; off I37 & Rt.359 to La Fruta; take State Pk. Rd.25 |
Mud | TX076 |  | West, Bastrop, & Christmas Bays | Brazoria | | -Not yet qualified | eighteen miles east of Angleton TX between West Bay |
Mustang | TX011S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Nueces | NA092 | KB5WSJ | S.E. Of Aransas Pass - Rte 361; cross on the Ferry |
Nolte | TX033R |  | Guadalupe River | Guadalupe | | KB5IQJ | SE of Seguin |
North Deer | TX047S |  | West Bay | Galveston | NA143 | KN5G | |
Padre | TX006S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Kenedy | NA092 | KC5NTO/P | Gulf Of Mexico Kenedy |
Paradise | TX046L |  | Lake Texoma | Grayson | | NM5RC/P | In Big Mineral Arm 250 yds N of Paradise Cove and 250 Yds S of TX045L |
Pecan | TX079 |  | Tuck Lake | Kerr | | -Not yet qualified | located within Pecan Valley Game Preserve |
Pelican | TX008S |  | Galveston Bay | Galveston | NA143 | KA5TQF/M | Galveston Bay Galveston |
Pelican | TX050L |  | Eagle Mountain Lake | Tarrant | | W5P >OPs KB5YLG, K5GV, KE5AXC, KE5HRD, KD5UEP, WB5IDM, & K5ANR | W of dam |
Pine | TX024L |  | Lake Livingston | San Jacinto | | K9VX/P | Just inside Jacinto County on Lake LivingstoN fed by the Trinity River |
Pleasure | TX002L |  | Sabine Lake | Jefferson | | W3KO/M | Sabine Lake |
Port Isabel | TX038S |  | Laguna Madre | Cameron | | KB5IQJ/P | |
Quintana | TX021S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Brazoria | | K2OLG/M | S.E. Freeport - On Cr 723 |
Rattlesnake | TX035L |  | Lake Bridgeport | Wise | | N5PHT | |
Rattlesnake | TX108 |  | Ayres Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
Red Bud Is. | TX013R |  | Colorado River | Travis | | KB5IQJ/P | N.W. Of Austin - Lake Austin Rd To Redbud Trail |
Rock | TX056L |  | Somerville Lake | Washington | | W5BCS >OPs W5FYR, W5GC, W5CA, WB5CKO, K5VY | Near Summerville |
Roddy | TX109 |  | Mesquite Bay | Aransas | | -Not yet qualified | |
San Jose | TX005S |  | Gulf Of Mexico | Refugio | NA092 | W5TLH | Gulf Of Mexico Refugio |
Shallow | TX026L |  | Lake Fork | Rains | | K5QY/N5KM/P | On Lake Fork, in Rains County; near Emory, TX |
Shaw | TX022L |  | Lake Buchanan | Llano | | KB5IQJ/M | Lake Buchanan |
Snake | TX055L |  | Somerville Lake | Burleson | | W5BCS >OPs N5SBN, WA5JOT, WB5CKO, K5VY | Near Summerville |
Snake | TX075 |  | Lake Jacksonville | Cherokee | | -Not yet qualified | SW of Jacksonville |
South | TX042L |  | Greenbelt Res | Donley | | NM5RC/P | E of"The Island" (TX041L) and centered E-W in lake |
South Deer | TX037S |  | West Bay | Galveston | NA143 | KN5G/P | |
South Padre | TX007S |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | K9PPY/5 | |
South Pass #1 | TX088 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | |
South Pass #2 | TX089 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | |
Spoil Bank | TX016S |  | Redfish Bay | Nueces | | KB5IQJ/P | E. Of Aransas Pass 1st Island Before Port Aransas On Rte361 |
Starnes | TX049 |  | Lake Travis | Travis | | -Not yet qualified | |
Steamboat #1 | TX071 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Steamboat #2 | TX090 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Steamboat #3 | TX091 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Steamboat #4 | TX092 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Stedman | TX015S |  | Redfish Bay | Nueces | | KB5IQJ/P | E. Of Aransas Pass 2nd Island From The Mainland On Rte 361 |
The Island | TX036L |  | Lake Whitney | Bosque | | KT5A | 500 yds SW of W end of Katy (Hwy 1713) bridge; isl does not show on 1981 USGS as normal lake level raised since then |
The Island | TX041L |  | Greenbelt Res | Donley | | NM5RC/P | W of South Island (TX042L) and near W shore |
The Island | TX081L |  | White River Lake | Crosby | | KC5MVZ
>OPs KC5MVZ, KC5HNH, KF5YSH & AB5ET | East of Lubbock. TX |
Tiki | TX012S |  | Jones Bay | Galveston | | KA5TQF/M | Jones BayGalveston |
Tranquility | TX080 |  | Guadalupe River | Kerr | | -Not yet qualified | in Kerrville |
Treasure | TX018L |  | Lake McQueeney | Guadalupe | | KB5IQJ/P | N.W. Of Sequin - Fm 78 To Fm 725 To Admiral Benbow Rd |
Turnstake #1 | TX093 |  | San Antonio Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In San Antonio Bay |
Turnstake #2 | TX094 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | In Espiritu Santo Bay |
Vandever | TX072 |  | Espiritu Santo Bay | Calhoun | | -Not yet qualified | Located in to Matagorda Island State Park Wildlife Management Area |
Web Isle | TX031L |  | Lyndon B.J.Lake | Burnet | | KB5IQJ/M | Nearest town Granite Shoals TX. County Burnet in L.B.J. Lake |
Willow | TX061L |  | Lake Worth | Tarrant | | WC5C >OPs KB5YLG, KE5TQM, KE5AXC, WB5IDM, K5NCS, AD5VJ, KC5SLQ, KF5BHG, & KF5BKQ | Northwest of Fort Worth |
Wolk | TX025L |  | Lake Lavon | Collin | | K5QY/N5KM | On Lake LavoN in Collin County |