US Islands Awards Program

Rhode Island

Google Map  30 :Islands
 35 :Qualified
   4 :Not Qualified

Island Table last modified: Mar 17, 2025 at 1822 UTC
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Aquidneck (Rhode)RI006SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031KA3UNQ/PHas The City Of Newport On It
BeachRI015SPoint Judith PondWashingtonW1SYE >OPsabout 4 miles SW of Narragansett RI, just E of RI016 Special Note:
BlockRI001SBlock Island SoundWashingtonNA-031KA3UNQ/PS. Of Narragansett In The R.I. Sound
ClingstoneRI033SNarragansett BayNewportN1RMPart of “The Dumplings”
Coasters HarborRI005SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031KA3UNQ/PW. Of Newport - Take Training Station St. To It
Conanicut (Jamestown)RI007SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031KA3UNQ/PBetween Middletown & Saunderstown - On Rte 138
CorneliusRI026SNarraganset BayWashingtonW1SYE >OPsWickford Harbor
CrabRI039Barrington RiverBristol-Not yet qualified
CranberryRI022RProvidence RiverProvidenceW1SYE >OPsImmediately west of railroad causeway/E. Bay Bicycle Path
DespairRI020SNarragansett BayNewportW1SYE >OPsOne of the Miantomoni gift islands. N of Hope (RI018S)
DutchRI017SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031W1SYE W1LY, KA1ZOU, & KC1AROJust west of Conanicut/Jamestown Island (RI007S)
DyerRI019SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031W1SYE >OPsbetween Aquidneck Island (RI006S) and Prudence (RI008S)
EastRI029SRhode Island SoundNewportW1SYE >OPsREAD MORE
FoxRI025SNarragansett BayWashingtonW1SYE >OPs
GardnerRI016SPoint Judith PondWashingtonW1SYE >OPsabout 4 miles SW of Narragansett RI, just W of RI015
GingerbreadRI034Seekonk RiverProvidence-Not yet qualifiedN of I-195 Washington Bridge.
GoatRI003SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031KA3UNQ/PCity Of Newport - Off Americas Cup Ave.
GooseberryRI002SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031W1SYE >OPsOff Hope Island, West Passage, Narragansett Bay
GouldRI011SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031AF1IBetween Newport & Jamestown
Great / PotatoRI012SPoint Judith PondWashingtonKA3UNQ/MS.W. Of Wakefield; Rte 108 to Galilee Escape Rd, to Great Island
HenRI032SBlue Bill CoveNewportW1SYE >OPsinside Aquidneck Island
HogRI023SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031W1SYE >OPsIn Narragansett Bay. SE of Patience Island (RI024)West of the Mt. Hope Bridge.
HopeRI018SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031W1SYE >OPsOne of the Miantomoni gift islands. Just west of Prudence (RI008S)
Lime RockRI040Newport HarborNewport-Not yet qualifiedSpecial Note:
Little ComfortRI013SPoint Judith PondWashingtonW1LNearest Town Narragansett, Next to Great Island, RI012S
Little GouldRI031RSakonnet River / Narragansett BayNewportW1SYE >OPsS. of Tiverton, NH
PatienceRI024SNarragansett BayNew PortNA-031W1SYE >OPsIn Narragansett Bay. NE of Hog Island (RI023). West of the Mt. Hope Bridge.
Pomham RocksRI037RProvidence RiverProvidenceW1SYE >OPsPomham Rocks Lighthouse
PrudenceRI008SNarragansett BayNewportNA-031KA3UNQ/POne of the Miantomoni gift islands. Between Portsmouth & E. Greenwich - 1 Mile From Melville
RabbitRI027SNarraganset BayWashingtonW1SYE op: K1GEAWickford Harbor
RockRI010RProvidence RiverKentW1SYE >OPsBetween Barrington & Cranston
RoseRI004SNarragansett BayNewportW1SYE >OPsBetween Newport & Jamestown
RuthRI038RProvidence RiverProvidenceW1SYE >OPs
Sandy PointRI036SBlock Island Sound /
Long Island Sound
WashingtonW1QV >OPsIsland is in both Connecticut and Rhode Island. See: CT039
SouthRI014LWakefield PondProvidenceNM5RC/PLake is 4.5 miles W of Pascog; isl is 0.4 miles SW of boat ramp
SparRI021RMount Hope BayBristolW1AQ >OPsnorth of Aquidneck (RI006S). off shore from Bristol, RI
SpectacleRI028SIsland Park Cove, Narragansett BayNewportW1SYE >OPsSouth of Rt. 24
TomsRI035Palmer RiverBristol-Not yet qualifiedOne mile north of Grinnell Point.
WestRI030SRhode Island SoundNewportW1SYE >OPsREAD MORE


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Report any errors to the Qualifications Manager.

Red marker = Qualified island. Yellow marker = UnQualified island

Page Last Updated on Nov 25, 2024 @ 21:23 utc by ADMIN